The acceptance of any order by NKS Sail Loft is subject to the following conditions. These conditions override any terms, conditions and / or stipulations referred to in the customer’s order unless agreed otherwise (in writing by NKS Sail Loft).
All quotes are valid for 28 days unless agreed otherwise (in writing by NKS Sail Loft).
Material deposits paid in advance are non refundable unless agreed otherwise (in writing with NKS Sail Loft).
Payment for all goods and/or services shall be made in full upon delivery and satisfactory completion unless agreed otherwise (in writing with NKS Sail Loft).​​
Every attempt to adhere to the delivery date shall be made by NKS Sail Loft. However exceptional circumstances which are beyond the control of NKS Sail Loft, every attempt shall be made to minimise the delay with every effort made to inform the customer of the revised delivery date.
Any goods or items stored at the premises of NKS Sail Loft are done so entirley at the risk of the owner. NKS Sail Loft cannot accept responsibility for any damage incurred.
Any damage or potential defects must be notified to NKS Sail Loft within 14 days of receipt of the goods. NKS Sail Loft will aim to acknowledge receipt of the notification by return.
Any damaged or potentially defective goods should be returned to NKS Sail Loft at the customers own cost unless agreed otherwise (in writting by NKS Sail Loft). NKS Sail Loft cannot be held responsible for returned goods that do not arrive.
NKS Sail Loft cannot be held responsible for damage incurred to either the goods or sailing or motor craft to which they are fitted. In the event that any new or repaired goods provided by NKS Sail Loft subsequently fail or develop faults due to conditions that are outside the perameters that they are designed to operate within.
NKS Sail Loft reserves the right to use any photography of the goods/products and may use them on all relevent platforms for promotional reasons.